Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Ask Mr. Bear" by Marjorie Flack

"Danny seeks the advice of farm animals on what to give Mother for her birthday. The hen offers eggs, the goose feathers, and the sheep wool. But mother already has those things. The cow suggests that Danny go ask Mr. Bear. It's from him that Danny gets a special and unique gift for his mother." 
~ Amazon product description

After reading the story together, Aubrey acted out the story using her toys.

All of the animals are giving their suggested gifts to Danny.
Then Danny meets Mr. Bear.

Danny gives his Mom what Mr. Bear suggested - and just what she wanted......a big bear hug.

Aubrey completed lapbook activities from Homeschool Share.

For our field trip, we went back to Bear Hollow.
We visited the bear cubs.

We talked with the turkey.
We watched the gorgeous eagle.

At the end of our visit, the girls gave each other a big bear hug....then they gave me one, too.


  1. you should consider adding Pinterest to your blog- you have great ideas and I would love to pin some so I could go back and reference them easy :)

    1. Hi Kim,
      Thank you for your nice comments about my lesson ideas and for your helpful suggestion. I have added a "Pin it" button to the blog and hope this helps you collect ideas for your lessons, too.

  2. I love this. We just started b4fair and Ask mr bear is our first row. She really enjoyed the book and is some times she just starts repeating it randomly. She will be 2 in July so we are taking it slow and learning about the animals and the sounds they make. We already have the little people farm but where can we find the tree and the bear?

    1. Hi Anna,
      We loved Before Five in a Row. Every single book was sweet and memorable. We are about to start our fifth year of homeschooling using the Five in a Row series - FIAR vol 4. Unfortunately, I'm two years behind in blogging our rows for volumes 2 and 3, but I do have them all coming soon! Please check back for more Five in a Row inspiration.
      The large tree and bear were from a set by Animal Planet called Wild Animal Safari. We bought it from Toys R Us about 4 years ago. You could probably find one similar to that at the store, Ebay, or kids' consignment sales.
      I hope you and your daughter will enjoy homeschooling as much as we do!
